If a sovereign nation moves on another nation would that be considered terrorist activity. Why is when that same nation protecting it's fights back it's considered terrorist activities. We'll I guess you have to look at who is handing out the names. My limited understanding leads me to believe Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting for decades over land that truthfully is no longer sacred or holly. Two sides that are mass delusional fighting a war with 1st century mentalities in a 21th century world. All the while missing the whole point of what they are fighting for. The God I serve doesn't care who lives where the so-called Messiah walked. He cares about how we treat each other and live. The whole point of the message in any religion. Blind ambition and human greed and pompousness has clouded the world judgement. Any war in the name of religion or God is unjust. God includes everything and is not separated in to little religions. It is beyond the scope of the human mind. Are arrogance in ourselves would have us believe we are its only being and it's all about us...... Religious fanatics contemplate that.
What if we took ourselves out of God's equation, maybe that would stop the wars over religion.
Is Israel constant attacks towards Palestinians on the GAZA STRIP an act of terrorism? You be the judge? Read the history and this recent story.