Thursday, December 11, 2008

This Christmas Crunch

There seems to be a catching trend. More people are planning to cut cos this year around the holidays. The questions is how do we cut cost and still give gifts that mean so much. Well here are five gift ideas that may help you get the wow factor you are looking for and the saving your budget needs. 

1. A discounted trip to a spa or resort. Most resort or spas offer deep discount during the winter months and make great gift that can be redeemed  at the receiver's convenience.

2. You can always pay someone's subscription to Netflix or a Magazine they love. This way you spend about 14 dollars if that this month and give a great gift. You can put a limit on how many months you will pay for the subscription. Its a great gift that keeps coming back. 

3.  Hand made arts and crafts are always a party favorite. Be sure to keep the quality of the craft up. Make sure your artistic talents are up to par. If necessary use someone else's idea. You don't want you gift to look cheap and uninspired. But hey its the thought that counts anyway right?
4. Be the gift yourself. Most people will appreciate an extra hand around the house. You can make coupons or promise bucks to do certain things for a person. Things like mow their lawn or a IOU to cook for them or even do their laundry one weekend when they want to go out. Get creative. You can make up a type of coupon or card to present them with to redeem at a later time. 

5. Last but not least is to skip the whole thing and just celebrate Kwanzaa. That's what I am doing...LOL

No matter what you decide remember the holidays is about replenishing the human spirit and remembering the important things in life. Life is too short to worry about maxing out your credit cards to feed  your and some else's unlimited  material desires.   Be Smart, Be Safe and enjoy this holiday season. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who defines who's a "Terrorist"?

If a sovereign nation moves on another nation would that be considered terrorist activity. Why is when that same nation protecting it's fights back it's considered terrorist activities. We'll I guess you have to look at who is handing out the names. My limited understanding leads me to believe Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting for decades over land that truthfully is no longer sacred or holly. Two sides that are mass delusional fighting a war with 1st century mentalities in a 21th century world. All the while missing the whole point of what they are fighting for. The God I serve doesn't care who lives where the so-called Messiah walked. He cares about how we treat each other and live. The whole point of the message in any religion. Blind ambition and human greed and pompousness has clouded the world judgement. Any war in the name of religion or God is unjust. God includes everything and is not separated in to little religions. It is beyond the scope of the human mind. Are arrogance in ourselves would have us believe we are its only being and it's all about us...... Religious fanatics contemplate that.   
What if we took ourselves out of God's equation, maybe that would stop the wars over religion.
Is Israel constant attacks  towards Palestinians on the GAZA STRIP an act of terrorism? You be the judge?  Read the history and this recent story.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dinner and Dialog

Never underestimate the power of a good conversation. I have seen someone meek in good appearance, to put it nicely, pull some of the badest females. The trick is to get them where the conversation can take a voice of its own. Loud crowded clubs are probably not the best place to spark it up with an intellectual. 

Recently I started attending an event a friend puts on at her house called Black Dinner and Dialog. I call it an event because it always goes down. We usually talk form 7pm-4am. Thas a long time so you know the topics are interesting. Its the most exciting time I have had in a while. A group of friends of friends of friends get together and discuss whatever we choose. There is no topic too embarrassing. There is a short list of rules.

1. No names in stories leave the house
2. Don't disrespect anyone. 
3. Don't take anything personal.

The purpose of the group is to inspire dialog between Black women and men in order to bring the gap in communication and relationships we face. 

The environment is a great place to express your views, practice your conversation skills and get a perspective from other individuals. But most of all if you are knowledgeable about a subject it gives you time to shine in front of the opposite sex. A friend of mine who shall remain nameless (following the rules) was able to teach and break down topics to the point where every women was hanging on to his every word. 

The idea of the event is not come and show off, although if you got it flaunt, it is about coming together to get information that will enlightening our efforts to be more understanding and push towards living more fulfilled lives. 

If you read this and decide to do something similar, please give credit where credit is due.
Please forgive any typos.......

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dinner and Dialog

It is about time we start talking again. By we I mean men and women. I recently attended my first Dinner and Dialog session. It set up by a friend of mine. I must say I was both impressed and totally hooked on the idea. Being the conversationalist I am, the topics and no punches held approached to a men vs women dialog was overwhelming. We discussed topics from, the " Buying drinks issue at the club" to "Is there an explosion of gay or bi-sexual relationships in the African American community."
It has been about three weeks since we had a session and I still have the same smile and anxious look on my face anticipating the next session. Its great idea for every group of friends do this. Besides the great food it is the bringing the fellowship, communication and connection between men and women back that is so appealing. Our next meeting is Nov. 8th. I will post the contents and revelation from that meeting soon.    

Monday, September 29, 2008

Castle Made of Sand

Oh my gosh the world is in a panic. The stock market is free falling back to earth. Tome however it is no big surprise. I was talking with a good friend a few years ago about doing some investing. He insisted I place some money in the market while I had a good job. I argued that one I didn't know enough about the market to put my money there and second it is make believe money. I told him that the money in the market is all based on speculation, confidence and fear. To me it just seemed make believe. It reminds of the song by Jimmie Hendrix, Castles Made of Sand. The lyrics go "Castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually." The American financial market is currently falling in to the sea. 
What I don't get is how is every acting like they didn't see this coming. Let's do the math. 

Bush=Bankrupt every business he has ever ran

War=stupidity=trillions to control the democracy

Outsourcing Jobs=Less American Jobs

Less Credit=No business loans=No Jobs  

Tax Breaks for the wealthy=broke people supporting the country

Broke people=not paying taxes before they eat=$0 money coming back in

Less investment in schools=ill-equipped work force 

Ill-equipped work force=unemployment=high crime rates  

That being said, how do we fix it. We have to tighten our belts and give up some of the luxuries we are accustomed to, help one another, and most importantly pay attention and say something. The American people are a sleeping giant and its time wake the fuck up. We have been spending our make believe money and paying attention to sports and celebrities for too long. We should have been looking at the current administration robbing us blind. What do you think? 

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Beginning.....

In the beginning there was my blog. I would like to thank all those who encouraged me to start a blog. I appreciate it. To all those English teachers who gave me C's and D's thank you for motivating me. Those whom gave me A's and B's thank you for inspiring me. To all my friends, family and colleagues thank you for your support. 
I write to express, to teach, to learn and mainly to share m thoughts, opinions and points of view. I thank you for visiting and you can look forward to great works. Or at least not half-bad entertaining pieces.